
LCMS School System

As part of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod, Our Savior Lutheran School is just one of 880 Lutheran elementary schools and 1,200 early childhood centers and preschools across the country. These 2,000 schools serve approximately 200,000 children throughout the United States. The tradition of Lutheran education in our country dates back to the mid-1800s, when German immigrants settled in the Midwest. While the way we educate our children may be different, the purpose of these schools has not changed, and today, we continue to help parents “bring their children up in the training and instruction of the Lord.” (Ephesians 6:4).


The National Lutheran Schools Accreditation (NLSA) has served as the accrediting body for LCMS schools since 1978. Every five years schools must pass an evidence-based accreditation process in seven focus areas, including facilities, personnel, and teaching and learning to maintain good standing with the NLSA . Our Savior Lutheran School is accredited by the NLSA and recognized as a fully accredited private school in the Commonwealth of Virginia by the Virginia Council for Private Education as authorized by the Virginia Board of Education.

Elementary school

The elementary school curriculum of OSLS is dedicated to providing each child with a comprehensive education which balances student-centered and teacher-centered approaches. Children in Pre-K through 5th grade are taught primarily in self-contained classroom environments with emphasis on a phonetic approach to reading, development of basic writing skills, and mastery of mathematics fundamentals. More details on Our Savior’s approach to elementary school can be found on our Elementary School page.

Middle School

Middle school is the transition from elementary school to high school. At Our Savior, our upper grades are departmentalized with students moving among teachers and classrooms throughout the day. Some of the main goals are for students to grow spiritually, in academics, and in personal accountability and responsibility. More details on Our Savior’s approach to middle school can be found on our Middle School page.