Student Clubs


After school enrichment clubs offer students the opportunity to enhance learning and ignite new passions. Clubs expose students to new topics, skills, areas of interest, and advanced training that further pave the way for success in high school and beyond. We offer a well-rounded selection that is driven by student interest and parent involvement. Below are a few of the clubs that have been offered over the years.



In coding club, students learn to create stories, games, and animations using a visual programming language called Scratch. With Scratch, children learn to think creatively, work collaboratively, and reason systematically. Scratch is designed and maintained by the Lifelong Kindergarten group at the MIT Media Lab.



Students work in pairs with a 280 piece LEGO® WeDo 2.0 kit and a tablet to build and program robots with gears, pulleys, and wheels. The curriculum encourages students to collaborate and share their discoveries as they build, program, and modify projects.



In Doodlers, students develop new skills and talents while designing unique creations using a variety of materials. Each class focuses upon developing skills, learning techniques and expanding self-confidence. The students will develop artistic skills, craftsmanship, knowledge of artistic styles, imaginative projects, and the power of self-expression.



NOVA Kids in Motion offers a variety of after school programs that are designed to be fun and exciting for elementary aged school children. We have a team of enthusiastic instructors who encourage a positive, fun-loving environment so all children can be active and have as much fun as possible in our classes.

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Girls on the Run

Girls in grades 3-5 meet twice a week in small teams with trained volunteers and coaches. The coaches inspire the girls to build confidence and other important life skills through dynamic lessons and physical activity. The program culminates with the girls participating in a local 5K run.