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Our Savior Lutheran School is supported by a diverse church family with roots that stretch across the United States and the world. The congregation is committed to the success of Our Savior Lutheran School, lending support financially, spiritually, and through countless volunteer hours.

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We are also an active member in the Arlington County community with membership in the Columbia Pike Revitalization Organization and unique partnerships with the Arlington Food Assistance Center (AFAC) and the Arlington Street People’s Assistance Network (A-SPAN). In 2019, AFAC honored Our Savior Lutheran Church and School as Community Partner of the Year for their role in allowing AFAC to host large corporate bagging events in their gymnasium, as well as hosting the annual Scouting for Food drive by the Boy Scouts every November.


A monthly mission emphasis for our chapel offerings helps encourage student awareness that God’s work is not limited to our area. We work in partnership with organizations in Arlington County, the Washington, D.C. metro area, and across the country to spread God’s love each month.